SCAN Barcode or RFID
We make barcoding
work for you.
Rugged Mobile Barcode Guns
Online and Offline Scanning
Android Smartphones
Apple Smartphones
Track It. Scan It.
Fast. Accurate.
Still tracking with Excel? Pen and Paper?
Flowtrac uses barcode guns, smartphones, or tablets to scan barcode information right into our cloud database. No importing, exporting, or hoping the spreadsheet does not get lost or damaged.
We also support RFID mobile, fixed mount, doorway, indoor, and outdoor readers. Collect data offline or online. Flowtrac stores data locally on the device when offline and then syncs to the cloud when back in range of Wi-Fi.
In your location, out in the field, anywhere in between.

The App
All the Intuition with None of the Complication.
Barcode Scanning
Use your phone to scan barcodes. Use it to fulfill orders, check in/out assets, and directed picking. The app connects to Flowtrac and syncs the data to and from the browser, updating your inventory movement instantly.
Inventory Lookup
Search your inventory quantities, lot, serials, and bin locations while on the go. You’re not tied to a computer when you want to look up information about your inventory, assets, & work in process.
Capture the Details
The app can capture all types of data: signatures, inventory pictures, asset conditions, text notes, serial numbers, and additional barcodes that need to be assigned to your products.
Stay in sync
Everyone’s devices stay in sync.
The mobile app on multiple devices captures the data and sends it to the cloud. Separate devices working simultaneously.
Scan Labels
You can scan barcodes with your Android or Apple smartphone.
For extreme environments, we support rugged mobile barcode guns.
You do not have to re-label.
Build a cross reference that allows scanning of customer, supplier, or other industry standard barcodes. If items already have barcodes, let’s use them.
QR Codes
Want to print, label, and scan QR codes?
The mobile app supports 2D barcodes like QR code and Datamatrix.
Bins, Racks
Scan items in and out of specific locations.
Know the where and the status of your inventory.
Fast audits. Fast cycle counts.
Point and scan with mobile RFID readers. Travel across locations.