Connecting Barcodes

Inventory software with barcoding systems can help B2B businesses integrate the various barcodes for products they purchase from different companies into a single product recognized in their inventory system. This integration not only streamlines the inventory management process but also reduces the risk of errors and increases efficiency. With barcoding technology, businesses can track inventory more accurately and quickly, ensuring better control over stock levels and reducing the likelihood of stockouts. Furthermore, the software can provide valuable insights into inventory and sales trends, allowing businesses to make informed decisions about purchasing and stocking products. Overall, implementing inventory software with barcoding systems can improve productivity and profitability for B2B businesses.

To teach the inventory software to recognize different company’s barcodes on the same product, we would need to create a mapping system that associates each barcode with its corresponding product. This can be done by inputting the barcode and product information into the software, and then creating a link between each unique barcode and its specific product. Once this mapping is complete, the software should be able to recognize the different company’s barcodes on the same product and match them to the correct item in the inventory.

Flowtrac’s inventory software packages come out-of-the-box with the ability to connect barcodes for you. You can even do by simply scanning all the new barcodes to add them to an existing product. You can multiple barcodes for the same product in your own inventory software. We’ll also walk you through the process during your onboarding training calls if you have any questions.