Manufacturers Can Use a IMS

Inventory management is a critical aspect of any business that deals with products or goods. While manufacturing software is designed to help manage the production process, inventory software is specifically created to manage inventory levels and optimize supply chain processes. In this blog, we will discuss what inventory software can do that manufacturing software can’t do.

When You Need Simpler Tracking

Firstly, inventory software allows for real-time inventory tracking and monitoring. This means that businesses can keep track of their inventory levels, sales, and purchases in real-time. This helps businesses avoid stockouts, overstocking, and other inventory-related issues. In contrast, manufacturing software primarily focuses on production processes and may not provide real-time inventory tracking and monitoring.

When You Need Simpler Forecasting

Secondly, inventory software offers advanced inventory management features such as demand forecasting, inventory optimization, and safety stock calculations. These features help businesses optimize their inventory levels and make informed decisions about when to order new stock. In contrast, manufacturing software may not provide these advanced inventory management features.

When You Need Simpler Integration

Thirdly, inventory software can integrate with other business systems such as accounting, eCommerce, and shipping. This integration helps businesses streamline their operations and automate tasks such as order fulfillment and inventory replenishment. Manufacturing software may not have these integrations and may require manual data entry or additional software to achieve these integrations.


In conclusion, while manufacturing software is designed to manage the production process, inventory software is specifically created to manage inventory levels and optimize supply chain processes. Inventory software offers real-time inventory tracking, advanced inventory management features, and integrations with other business systems that manufacturing software may not provide. By using inventory software, businesses can optimize their inventory levels, improve supply chain processes, and ultimately increase their bottom line.